Monday, December 15, 2014

Venice walk continued

I wore something on this trip that I had never worn before-a money belt. I had read many reports on Rick Steves' website about pickpocketing in Italy and as we had brought 1,000 Euros along to pay for our guides in Rome I wanted to keep them secure whether I was carrying all of them (as I was from the airport) or some of them (when I walked in Venice). The money belt cost $15 and carried cash, a credit card with no Foreign Transaction fee and a photocopy of my Passport. It fits around your waist and then under your jeans/pants at belt level where only you can unzip it.

I had asked some friends at home who had been to Italy and some of them told tales of themselves or their friends having their wallets stolen on the first day so no wallets and no pockets for me!

Regarding cameras and thief-temping valuables-carry the camera bag wrapped around your neck with the strap running across your chest so that the bag or camera can't be grabbed from your shoulder by someone walking by or riding by on a Vespa unless they tear your neck off.

When you sit to eat at a cafe and there are people walking or sitting close to you trap the handles of your handbag or camera bag under a leg of your chair so it can't be snatched.

So far in my first hour in Venice I hadn't come into a situation where I was in a crowd or in close proximity to potential pickpockets but I felt it better to be prepared. I was able to relax and enjoy what I was seeing as I walked back to the hotel.

Gondolier waiting for a customer

Fridge magnets-something we buy in every city we visit

Ristorante Colombo which was a recommendation by our limo driver from the airport-Lorenzo.
We had already booked a table for tonight's dinner at another restaurant.

Another restaurant and you don't have to walk far to find one in Venice

A supermarket 2 minutes walk from our hotel

The courtyard behind our hotel. People are heading to the Vaparetto stop called Sant Angelo which is close to our hotel

Now I'm back at the hotel. The Rialto Bridge is in the distance.

Now it's time to sit and relax for a while with a cold Italian beer!

While I am ordering here is a video I made during my walk....

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