Thursday, February 19, 2015

Darkness falls

Afternoon Tea arrived, as requested at 4.30

What a luxury!

I followed that with Afternoon Beer up by the swimming pool

Perfect weather. A relaxing afternoon now that we were back on the ship and on the move again.
The only decisions facing us would be -what to eat for dinner, shall we go to the show?

We've had two wonderful port stops so far in Dubrovnik and Valetta. Tomorrow we would be in Palermo, which we knew little about. We didn't have any luck choosing an excursion so we thought that for once we would just get off the ship and explore the town on foot and have lunch at an outdoor cafe. That sounded like a good enough plan!

By 6 p.m. the sun decides to retire for the evening

and the lights come on

The deck loungers get stacked for the evening

Soon the decks will be even more empty as the 2nd sitting for dinner will be taking their seats at 8.15 p.m. There is also dinner being served in the buffet and many people like to just stay in casual clothes-jeans and tee shirts and serve themselves. Some take plates of food from the buffet to eat back in their cabins. At 7pm the hamburger grill by the pool (Trident Grill) closes. On the larger Princess ships the Trident stays open until 11p.m and features barbecue dishes after 6 pm, such as brisket and pulled pork.

All this talk of food is making me hungry-which is timely as our next event of the day is the 8.15 dinner!

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