She takes the aft elevator from our deck, Caribe
I carry 7 pounds of camera equipment around the ship
There is a team of 3 waiters and usually only 6 to 10 people dining at the same time. The first waiter brings drinks-coffee, tea, orange juice, mimosas etc. He is followed by the fresh pastries man-all the baking is done on board and the bakers work shifts around the clock. Then a third will come and take our orders for cooked food. You can eat as much or as little as you like.
A made-to-order omelet with a side order of bacon
Sabatini's has it's own kitchen but if you want something that is not on their menu but is being served from another kitchen-for me that is corned beef hash- they will go fetch it for you. If you want steak and eggs you let them know the day before and they will have it ready for you. Wonderful food and above all a quiet relaxed atmosphere to begin Carol's day.
After breakfast I visit the Duty Free shop in the Piazza for some shopping needs
Here is Passenger Services which is open 24 hours a day to answer questions or attend to any problems customers might have with their cruise. If you want to see how much money you have spent onboard so far you can find out here.
I'll spend part of the day in the Sanctuary and part of it at the Tradewinds Bar, having a beer and enjoying the sun. There I will have a drink with a Canadian couple I met on the first day. It was their first cruise and I was able to help them settle in. We still keep in touch via Facebook.
Sean and Marg from Toronto
While I was down on deck 7 at the shops I take photos of some rooms which sit empty during the day.
Such as the Crown Grill steakhouse. Dinners here are an extra $25 per person. You can't get steak dinners (with lobster) on land at his quality for such allow price.
It sits next to the Photo Gallery. As it is the last day there are photos here from each day of the cruise and many people like us will be searching through the glossy 8 X 10s to find themselves. They cost $20 each. The ship has about 6 photographers, all using Nikon, which is the brand they sell in their camera shop. Go-Pro is also sold. If you forget batteries or need more memory cards you'll find them onboard.
Can you spot Carol and I in this picture?
Just kidding- don't strain your eyes or go looking for your magnifying glass. So many happy faces as there are 3,000 passengers onboard.
This is Club Fusion where we go after dinner most nights to listen to the Karaoke singers. This will also be our Disembarkation Lounge tomorrow. We have to be out of our rooms by 8 a.m so they can be cleaned. Christopher our Room Steward has 18 rooms to clean, beds to make, mirrors to shine before Noon when the new passengers will arrive.
A lazy sea day sailing back to Fort Lauderdale. Eat, sleep, drink, watch a movie, play cards, shop, swim, sunbathe, chat with friends. A pleasant way to spend the day whichever you chose.
Afternoon tea was brought to our loungers in the Sanctuary at 3.30. We wouldn't eat again until hors d'ouvres in Skywalkers at 6, then have a long fast until 8 pm in the Michelangelo Dining Room before attending our last show on board.
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