Thursday, June 4, 2015

Roatan video

Before going ashore we had our usual breakfast in Sabatini's. French toast with bacon for me.

While I'm eating this you can watch the video I shot as we docked at Mahogany Bay...sorry about the wind noise, but I blame the wind!

So the ship is docked and we have had breakfast and now are ready to step ashore in Roatan for the first time. Although it was cloudy it was warm-high 70's F.

On most cruises when you get off your ship, there will be members of the ship's photographic department at the gangway on the ship or near the gangway on the dock. They are often in costume and want to take your photo. Later if you want you can buy the photo for $20 for an 8 X 10. We usually buy them if they come out well.

We meet the photographer in this clip...

Mahogany Bay is a beautiful, manicured village of tourist shops, bars and restaurants which is not at all like the Roatan outside the gates. You can rent cars there if you want to explore and see the real Roatan for yourself. All the rental cars are white so you will be instantly recognized as a tourist in a rental car. There is a lot of poverty visible on the island and I was happy to be driven to our dolphin destination in a mini-bus. I am not saying any harm would come to you if you walked the streets but with the amount of camera equipment I carry I would hate to take a chance on keeping it all safe when I was distracted taking photos and video.

You could easily just spend the day at Mahogany Bay, shopping, having lunch and a few drinks and enjoying the beautiful beach there.

You could eat and drink in Fat Tuesday and never lose sight of your ship

Carol waits for our tour group to assemble. All the tours have a tour number and the tour leader will hold up this number when it is time to rally around and show your tickets so you don't join the wrong tour.

When I was on the ship I saw the beach area of Mahogany Bay and it looked very inviting. I thought we would have time to visit it after our excursion.

Next up- Dolphin encounter!

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